Saturday, October 19, 2013

Where Did Scrum Come From?

Seems like you can't talk about software development without someone bringing up Scrum and Agile these days.  Ever wonder where it all started?  

Jeff Sutherland created the first Scrum team in 1993 and modeled the new software development process on a 1986 Harvard Business Review article called "The New New Product Development Game", written by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka. Takeuchi and Nonaka are highly regarded business school professors and researchers who have studied leadership and management in top companies in Japan and elsewhere. Their observations became the root of Scrum, which Sutherland then adapted to software development.  

You can read more about this history of scrum on Sutherland's blog:Takeuchi and Nonaka: The Roots of Scrum

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